Saturday, 31 December 2011

Day 365 & Day 730

So this is it!  My final photograph of my 2011 365 project.  This means I have taken at least one photo each and every day for the past two years - 730 days.  Wow!  It is with mixed feelings that I am finishing, part of me already feels a bit lost knowing I won't be uttering the words - "quick, I need my photo of the day", but I know I wouldn't be able to complete another year without coming to hate photography altogether!  Thank you for everyone's support - I have really appreciated all the 'likes' and comments left.  Thank you to everyone who has posed for me, including Emily and Chloe (and the cats who were always a great standby!).  Best wishes to everyone who is about to embark on a similar project for 2012 - carry that camera EVERYWHERE!!  Happy New Year xxxx

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